The Road Trip

An immersive workshop to define and improve culture

Culture does not eat strategy for breakfast. Culture lends life to strategy, without which strategy is devoid of love. That’s the underpinning idea of the Road Trip immersion in which teams are challenged to plan out a road trip, tightly linking culture and strategy in a perfect plan that enables them to develop a meaningful and reflective Culture Manifesto to guide and inspire the organisation going forward.

So How Does The Road Trip Work?

Deliverable ideally in a live environment, there is no technical limit to the number of participants in any workshop session. Participants will work in teams and make use of our own unique toolkit to search for the outcomes they need. This is a workshop that calls for very creative thinking, strongly connected teamwork, and lots of positive energy, but it gives back in massive amounts.

1. Designing Many Road Trips

The larger goal in this workshop is to plan the perfect road trip. This will require creative thinking, aided by maps, lists and other thought-triggering tools and templates.

3. Refining The Perfect Road Trip

Once teams have decided what this looks like, the goal is to develop and agree upon methods for delivering this road trip sustainably.

2. Analysis and Refinement

The next step is to combine the best thinking through group analysis of the key components of strategy, culture and people.

4. Culture Manifesto

A common outcome is a manifesto that describes the culture of the organisation required to ensure successful road trips far into the future.

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The Outcome

By the end of this workshop, you will have absolute clarity about what steps need to be taken, including adjustments to processes, policies, behaviours and communication, to enable you to sustainably get your teams engaged in support of the organisational strategy.


This is a refreshingly different look at the intersection between strategy and culture, and one that I had never thought of before. When you see it like this, it’s easy to see what changes we need to make to make ‘every day legendary.’

This workshop breaks down a complex set of ideas into something so mind-alteringly basic, you have to wonder how you didn’t see it yourself.

By focusing on making each day work, the expectation of making weeks and months successful becomes almost inevitable. This workshop teaches how to take things one step at a time. It’s really brilliant.

I liked the interactivity and the very professional and well-presented tools.

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