An immersive change management exercise

Despite the (sometimes rapid but always relentless) change that defines the world we live in, when it affects us personally, there’s usually some resistance. Sometimes that resistance can be huge, when characterised by fear, doubt, suspicion, or resentment. Sometimes it’s less obvious, when it’s characterised by boredom, or even just a basic lack of clarity. Nevertheless, it is there. This interactive process gets teams, working together to solve pre-defined challenges in order to make better, more complete decisions.


So How Does This Workshop Work?

Those responsible for change often miss crucial steps before leading their organisation into a period of even minor disruption. With all best intentions, one or more mindsets is excluded from the process, usually because we don’t know they’re necessary or that they even exist. We favour decisive action over careful consideration (or often, vice versa); the shiny and new over the traditional and embedded; and our forward-looking mindset, powered by paranoia that the world is moving faster than we are, leads us to walk away from our previous forms, models, ideas and practices, without considering whether they have anything more to teach us or any fresh ways to serve us. The departments here reflect four critical lenses through which to analyse any challenge before making a decision.

1.The Department of the Future

This department plays a critical role in preventing the organisation from getting stuck in the past while the world changes rapidly all around us. Too often we run the risk of moving too slowly or not moving at all when new opportunities, technologies, trends and so on, present themselves because we don’t recognise them and don’t know what to do to capitalise on them. Your job as members of the Department of the Future is to cut through restrictive thinking and lead the organisation towards change.

3. The Department of Preservation

This department plays a critical role in preserving the aspects of our organisation that make us who we are. Core Values, shared behaviours and the mindsets that may fall under the catch all of ‘culture’. While this department is open to change, it sees a more important role in preserving the things that must under all circumstances remain the same. Your job as members of the Department of Preservation is to prevent us from throwing the baby out with the bathwater whenever we make changes.

2. The Department of Evolution

This department plays a critical role in preventing badly-executed, radical change. Too often we get carried away by the promise of new technology, new trends and emerging ideas that can lead us to make large-scale changes when all we ever needed was tweak or to make a few adjustments to something — a process perhaps, or a policy or an internal system. Your job as members of the Department of Evolution is to promote a more measured approach by focusing on common sense and logic.

4. The Department of Nostalgia

This department plays a critical role in exploring our past, whether that is recent or far, far distant, and identifying the things we once did or the ways we once were, which can guide us to success in the future. Too often we turn our backs on what has been, in favour of what is new, through relentless cycles of change, forcing ourselves to re-learn hard learned lessons. Your job as members of the Department of Nostalgia, is to search our past for ideas and inspirations that will help us map out our future.


The Outcome

Participants will find themselves challenged, and will exit the process with a fresh outlook on the concept of change, and how to practically engage with it, in order to get the outcomes most likely to work.


This is both fun and practical, and it comes together in a very clever way.

Gave the team a good deal to think about and actionable ideas to take forward.

An original idea that is elegant and smartly put together.

Offers a solid challenge to one dimensional thinking around change.

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