Culture Feud

A team game to show the lighter side of culture

Back in 1976, the TV Game Show world in the United States was turned on its head when the phenomenon of Family Feud was launched. Quickly becoming the most popular game show of all time, it pitted two teams (each made up of family members) against one another to name the most popular answers to survey questions in order to win cash and prizes. Well, now its 2024, and the name of the game is organisational culture, employee engagement and how well you know your company. 

So How Does Culture Feud Work?

Deliverable ideally in a live environment, two teams (supported by highly vocal audience members) compete to demonstrate how much they know the company they work for … but in random ways. We know what we do. We know (we hope) who we are. But how well do we know the people, the places, the weirdest thing in the company kitchen? Culture Feud is a fun and engaging way to explore and reinforce your company’s organisational culture.

1. Survey of experiences

Since Culture Feud is based on YOUR organisation specifically, we first need to learn about all its nuances, quirks and foibles from the people who work there through a simple survey.

3. Let the competition begin

Run Culture Feud during your next big get together, your end of year party, company birthday, or just when you feel like having a ton of laughs while revelling in the company’s human-ness.

2. Tally the answers

During the game, teams will have to guess what the company responded in the survey, when presented with questions like: ‘What’s the main reason you leave your camera off on a video call?’

4. Things will never be the same

Once you’ve played Culture Feud, you’ll never be the same with stronger bonds, better stories and connections and a sense of camaraderie to last for ages.

Download the info sheet

The Outcome

This fun take on the classic Family Feud format is sure to engage your team, spark laughter, and reinforce your company’s unique culture!


This is riotously funny and actually very interesting to learn our people’s uniqueness.

A very fun exercise, brilliantly done. Well done Happy Sandpit!

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