A gamified workshop based on your organisational Core Values

A favourite since 2017, Iceberg! is a unique and powerful way to create alignment in your teams using the organisational Core Values of your organisation to guide the way. Based on the Titanic, participants must form teams and work together to solve ‘fundamentally unsolvable’ problems as they come at them, hard and fast.

So How Does Iceberg! Work?

Deliverable both virtually and in-person, this is a facilitated session that takes the form of a game of make-believe, but with real, tangible results. Typically played by up to 50 people organised into a maximum of six teams of around 5 – 8 people, and played over a series of five rounds, Iceberg! takes between 2.5 – 4 hours to complete (assuming a break in the middle). Iceberg! is played using a unique and specifically designed toolkit.

1. Induction of Ships Officers

A week before the session, all participants are sent the ‘Ship’s Officer’s Induction Pack’ to invite them to the game and help them to prepare.

3. Iceberg! Card Decks

We will use five out of the 40 dilemmas in the deck of Iceberg! cards which underpins the session, leaving you many more to explore in the weeks after.

Main Workshop

On the day, a typical Iceberg! sessions lasts on average around three hours. Participants will work in teams throughout the session.

4. Train-the-trainer

Iceberg! is popular with organisations looking to play company-wide, because of our HAPPYSANDPIT certified facilitator training (see the main train-the-trainer section).

Book an Iceberg!

The Outcome

  • Players gain a personal context for the Core Values, often for the very first time.
  • Players learn how isolated decisions can vastly differ from one another and see theimportance of a shared set of Core Values.
  • Players learn how Core Values challenge one another and the value of critical thinking.
  • Players create high engagement with one another in a context that has constructive, far-reaching benefits.
  • The organization gains a clear insight into how the Core Values are perceived and understood, in order to draw up a forward action plan.



Knowing the calibre of Happy Sandpit initiatives, we anticipated that the Iceberg! game would be worthwhile, but we underestimated both how much fun it was and, more importantly, how meaningfully we were able to engage with our company values.  I strongly recommend Iceberg! to any team looking for a refresher on values – or just a really good time together.

We were amazed at the way the game made us think and exposed how much we still have to learn about each other as a team.

A highly innovative approach. The game is brilliantly put together, The concept is well thought-through and works exceptionally well … it’s been a couple of weeks but we are still talking about this every day!

We were really just looking to have a team build that could be fun and engaging, but what we found was the best use of that time we could have hoped for. A truly surprising experience with fantastic outcomes.

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