Culture Projects

From change to communications projects and beyond.

Some things take time. Whether it is developing a new employee induction (and re-induction) process, writing a fresh and vibrant Employee Value Proposition, performing an end-to-end culture shift, or refocusing a senior executive team, we’ve run the gamut in financial services, banking, aviation, mining, telecommunications, automotive and FMCG retail. Many of our projects follow our established structures, but many are bespoke, to meet the unique requirements of our varied customers.


So what kind of projects does HAPPYSANDPIT engage in?

Our expertise in designing clever workshops and all the creative thinking that goes into them, really reaches its apex when it comes to our innovative approach to projects. Our goal is to help you get outside of your organisational paradigm and see brand new possibilities for communication, motivation, inspiration or any of a range of other things. Among our project expertise is the following:

1. New employee induction / re-induction

We’ve written the new employee induction process for market leaders in banking, mining, legal and fintech. These include online and offline components, always with the intention of making it meaningful and inspirational. By the time we’re done, your days of sharing policy and mile-high ideas with new people will be over, and you’ll be enthusing them with stories that create context, philosophical ideas that create inspiration and inclusive concepts that motivate them to fully join your team.

3. Leadership team alignment

We’ve worked with the biggest aircraft manufacturer in the world, the biggest roadside services organisation in Europe, Africa and South America, the most innovative telco in South Africa, and operators of a record-setting mine. Along the way, we have learned that each team has its own challenges, but time and again, they have common levers that enable us to change mindsets and build bridges wherever they are needed.

2. Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

We’ve written the EVP for leaders in the mining field, aviation and space exploration, and for giants in the consumer services and telecommunications space. The bottom line for us: the grass is likely perfectly green on your side of the fence, right where your employees are right now, but you have to be explicit in that message in order for that truth to land. Your EVP is therefore one of the most important documents we’ll ever create for you.

4. Broad culture adjustment

We’ve worked with the biggest security distributor in South Africa, the biggest mining company in the world and the most innovative investment firm in the UK, leading them to an embrace of the five common hallmarks of highly engaged teams, as identified in our ongoing research, spanning a decade. We’ve had notable successes from which we have grown and continue to grow today, making our clients’ cultures deliver their intended results.


The Outcome

Each project has an outcome that has been carefully agreed upon with the client organisation. Over the years, we have served organisations in banking, mining, aeronautics, automotive, agriculture, manufacturing and many others.


The project has really had a very strong impact on all of us.

Great. Superb. Exciting and we all learned so much.

This was a valuable piece of work that turned out far beyond our expectations.

Full of praise for Happy Sandpit for their unique approach to employee communication.

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