A space adventure game to boost your DE+I capabilities
Often, the biggest inhibitor to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, is the sense that it’s a zero-sum game; that in order for some to advance, others must be held back. DELTA ECHO INDIA, based on a space adventure, reshapes that thinking to create greater acceptance of these important concepts.
So how does DELTA ECHO INDIA work?
Deliverable both virtually and live, this is a facilitated session that helps participants to unlock their thinking and break through their own internal barriers to understanding this important topic. DELTA ECHO INDIA is a space adventure in which participants will have to think about how to enable their crew members, each with distinctive capabilities and challenges, to shine.
1. Invitation to join the Spaceship
3. Weekly Nudges
2. The Game
4. Train-the-trainer
The Outcome
By the end of a DELTA ECHO INDIA session, participants will have internalised the principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and understood how open-mindedness, appreciation of other peoples’ needs and capabilities and the strength in working as one, can benefit all.